Sunday 10 May 2015

Mothers's Day

I wasn't always certain that I was going to have kids.

I grew up in a house where my mom stayed home, choosing to volunteer at school and Girl Guides instead of working full time. While it was great to have her around, especially during our school years, it meant that we didn't always have the money for extras. There was always food on the table, a roof over our heads, lots of fun camping and swimming in the summer and many, many memories.

But, as soon as I was old enough, I started babysitting, not because I loved it (I'm not even sure I enjoyed it much of the time), but because I wanted to earn extra money. I had my first paying job at 15 and then worked part-time all through high school and university so that I could pay for my education and anything else I wanted. As I went through high school and into University, I was very focused on getting an education that would provide me with a well paying job in the future and was very career oriented. I couldn't see how kids would fit into my plan.

All that changed the summer before my fourth year of University, when my dad died suddenly at 54 years old of a heart attack. In those few weeks after my dad's death, my sisters and I bonded together to support my mom. It was during those weeks that I decided I would definitely have kids one day. I saw how having us around for her kept my mom strong and gave her some happiness through some really tough days. I remember thinking that if I were to go through the death of a husband someday and not have the support of any children, how much more difficult it would be for me.

Now, I can't imagine how different my life would have been if I had chosen not to have kids. And I'm so very proud to be their mom.

Happy Mother's Day first and foremost, to my Mom. She's always been a rock with strength beyond comprehension.

Happy Mother's Day to my sisters, who are counted among my best friends.

Happy Mother's Day to my new sister-in-law (the one who just had a new baby), to my Mother-in-Law and my other sister-in-law, who I'm blessed to have in my life.

Happy Mother's Day to my best friend, who I often think about, despite the fact that we live in different cities and don't see much of each other.

Happy Mother's Day to the amazing friends I have shared the journey of motherhood with for the past 15 years.

And Happy Mother's Day to all of the other amazing moms I meet every day through FITMOM. You make my days bright and happy.


Me, My Mom and My Sisters

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