Monday, 3 December 2012

FITMOM Ottawa Motivated Monday - Challenge 9

I'm back at it, after two weeks without posting.  It's crazy how much time goes into organizing before and getting back to real life after a vacation!  Add in the jet lag...  But, we had a great time in Paris and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  So, here we are, finally getting caught up and back on track for another Motivated Monday!

I am often asked what the key is to achieving a strong, healthy body.  The answer is a healthy balanced diet and moderate exercise.  Research has proven that people who perform moderate exercise 3-5 days per week for at least 30 minutes a day will reduce their risk of health issues including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.  Regular exercise will also help you decrease stress and sleep better.

A good fitness program also incorporates cardiovascular exercises to burn fat and keep your heart strong,  strength training to build strong muscles and a stretch and flexibility program to keep your muscles balanced and to help prevent injury.

Below are FIVE of the best exercises known for developing core strength, strong muscles and cardio function.  They are also some of my favourites and you'll see most of them done every week, in some form or another during all of our FITMOM Classes (except burpees in the FITMOM 2B class!). Modifications are always given in class to ensure the safety of our members and to meet each individuals fitness level.  

5.  Burpees:  They are the ultimate full body workout!  Not only will they help develop and improve strength but they can also burn more fat (research has shown that it can burn up to 50% more fat than conventional strength training exercises).  So, you may not like doing them, but they are good for you!  Burpees can be modified from beginner to advanced fitness levels.  

4. Squats:  Are known to build strength in the legs and give definition to your gluteal muscles.  Squats are an example of a compound exercise as they work more than 1 muscle at a time. There are hundreds of variations to keep your workouts interesting and can be modified for intensity.

3. Push Ups: Push-ups are another example of a full body exercise.  When performed correctly a push up will target your upper and lower back, biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms and abs.  They are also effective in building endurance so you can do other things; like lifting children!

2. Lunges:  Lunges are another great lower body workout.  When performed correctly they can help build up your abs, butt, hips and thighs.  They are also another great example of a compound exercise.  You can increase the intensity of lunges by moving forward, backward or laterally, by adding weights or dynamic movement.

1. The plank.  This exercise is an example of isometric contraction, when you contract your muscles against stationary resistance.  The plank exercise helps strengthen the entire midsection, upper-body and lower-body muscles along the front of your body. Planks also strengthen inner core muscles that support your joints.  You can make it easier by holding yourself up against a wall or using your knees instead of your toes on the floor.  The wall is a great place for beginners to start as you begin to build up core strength.

Thanks to the awesome moms demonstrating great form in the photos!  Enjoy your week!