Happy Family Day!
Just because there are no classes on Family Day, doesn't mean you shouldn't workout! Here is a short workout you can do alone or share with a friend, your partner or even your kids. You'll need running shoes, workout clothes, an exercise mat and some water.
To make sure your body is properly warmed up, start with your stairs. Walk up and down 5 times, increase your intensity to jogging up and down 5 times and end with running, two steps at a time for the last 5 times. Once your body is feeling warmer, you can follow by a full body stretch and you should be ready to go!
You're going to do each exercise 10 - 15 times, with a 10 second rest between exercises and then repeat the whole circuit 3 - 4 times, with a one minute break between circuits:
Exercise 1: Jump squats. Be sure that your knees don't go over your toes in your squat and that your weight is on your heels. Make it harder by keeping your hands on your waist or holding them over your head. You can reduce the impact by doing regular squats without the jump. Inhale as you squat down, exhale as you push back up to standing.
Exercise 2: Pushups. You can modify on your knees or against a wall. Make it harder by adding a clap on your way up. Just remember to pull your belly button towards your spine, keep your back flat and lead with your chest (not your head). Inhale as you move your body toward the floor, exhale as you push back up.
Exercise 3: Dynamic Planks. In plank position, with legs together and straight, jump your legs out so that your feet are wider than shoulder width apart. Bring them back together. That's one rep. Make it harder by adding another move and bring your knees to your chest so that you're doing the two moves together. Lower the impact by doing alternating leg extensions while in plank position (a leg extension on both legs is one rep). Just remember to keep your belly button pulled into your spine and try not to let your hips move towards the ceiling as you move them in and out.
Exercise 4: Superman Swimmers. Lying on your front with your arms straight above your head, lift your arms and legs off the ground. Bring both arms down towards your sides so that you are squeezing your shoulder blades together and then reach back overhead. That's one rep. Be sure to keep looking down at the ground so that you don't strain your neck. Make it easier by lifting only your upper body off the floor. Exhale as your squeeze your shoulder blades together, inhale as you reach your arms back over your head.
Exercise 5: Mountain Climbers. In front plank position, bring your right leg up towards your chest, switch legs mid air and bring your left leg up towards your chest. That's one rep. This works your cardio as well as your core, so be sure to move fast enough to get your heart pumping. Pull your belly button towards your spine and focus on keeping your hips in proper plank position. Lower the impact by eliminating the jump.
Exercise 6: Side Plank with Leg Lift (Right). Resting on your forearm or your hand and toes, lift your top leg up towards the ceiling and back down. Try not to use momentum, but instead use your glutes and outer thigh muscles to lift your leg. Try not to let your legs touch on the way down. You can also modify to side plank on your knee. Be sure to push your hips towards the ceiling, keep your body in a straight line and pull your belly button in towards your spine. Exhale as you lift your leg to the ceiling, inhale as you bring it back down.
Exercise 7: Burpies. Jump up, squat down, extend your legs into plank position, bring your knees back to a squat and jump up. That's one rep. Be sure to keep your core strong (don't let your hips drop) when you extend back into plank position. Make it harder by adding a pushup when you're in plank position. Lower the impact by eliminating the jump and instead reach your arms high up to the ceiling.
Exercise 8: Side Plank with Leg Lift (Left). Same as Exercise 6, but using the other side.
Remember to stay hydrated during your workout!
Finish with a full body stretch when you're done.
**If you are a beginner, or just making your way back into fitness again, shorten the number or reps or sets and work your way up to the numbers recommended here. Always consult with your Doctor prior to commencing a new exercise regime.
Have a great Family Day!