Saturday, 6 April 2013

Five Years Ago...

As the snow is finally starting to melt, it dawned on me that it's been five years, this month, since I became involved with FITMOM. At the time I never would have guessed how FITMOM would change my life.

When I had my first baby 13 years ago, I met a wonderful circle of friends through the Boomerang Kids Strollercise program. At the time, we only had 6 months for our maternity leave, so when Strollercise was offered 3 days a week, we were there for them. As we went back to work, we had to find ways to keep our friendship strong. Exercise is what brought us together, so that's what we continued. For a long time we ran together one or two evenings a week.  

After a while, the running group dwindled - some of us were pregnant and some were busy. In an effort to keep active, one of the moms would find a program each spring and let us know she was registering and would any of us like to join? One year we did a Running Room clinic. One year we did pilates. One year we did deep water running. And then, one year we did the FITWOMAN Bootcamp.

I remember my very first class. I thought I was in reasonable shape, although spring was coming and I hadn't really done a whole lot of exercise through the winter, except a weekly volleyball game. I was sadly mistaken. The class was really hard, I really struggled my way through it and I was really sore for days afterwards. But, I had paid my money and I was going to see it through. A few weeks after I started, the owner ran a two for one promotion, so I began going twice a week and noticed how much faster I was seeing results. I never really looked out of shape before, but within a few months, I was feeling stronger, more energetic and in shape. My body changed so that my clothes felt more comfortable and I felt good.

My friends and I continued going to the FITWOMAN class for nearly a year, but slowly, schedules changed and some of them dropped off. Originally, I joined the class because I had friends going, and this was a good opportunity to see them. I had added the class to our family calendar, so that if anything else came up, we could arrange for a babysitter. And, I felt the cost of the class was high enough that I didn't want to miss any classes, if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Eventually, these things mattered less and less as the class became established as a part of my weekly routine and as an essential component of my well being.

I kept up with weekly classes for well over two years, taking breaks here and there when kids soccer games got in the way or doubling up on classes in the "off season" between sports. When the owner announced that she was giving the business up, I wondered what I would do to replace my FITWOMAN classes. I looked into other alternatives, but either the commitment was too great or the timing didn't work.  And so, nearly six months after my last FITWOMAN bootcamp class, I bought the business. Now, I get to teach fitness classes to help other prenatal and postnatal women feel the way I felt. I get to share my experiences and give them advice when they ask. I get to see moms form friendships with women they may not have met otherwise, just like I did all those years ago. And I get to hold all of those beautiful babies. Life has changed, and definitely for the better.

Thanks FITMOM.