Be sure to begin your workout with a simple Warm up to get your muscles moving and your blood pumping. If you have stairs in your house, start walking up and down and move to running up and down. About 10 sets will get you warm. Once your body feels warmer, you can follow with some dynamic stretching (leg swings, arm circles, shoulder rolls). No stairs? No problem! Turn on the tunes and dance like nobody's watching until you're feeling warm and ready!
We're going to do a 40-30-20. You'll do each exercise for 40 seconds, take a 10 second rest, repeat for 30 seconds, take a 10 second rest and finish with 20 seconds. Take a 30 second to 1 minute break between exercises.
Exercise 1 - Mountain Climbers
In front plank position, bring your right leg up towards your chest and switch legs mid-air. This works your cardio as well as your core, so be sure to move fast enough to get your heart pumping! Pull your belly button toward your spine and keep your hips in proper plank position as much as possible.
Exercise 2 - Tricep Dips
Complete these using your stairs/bench/kitchen chair (or other piece of furniture - just make sure whatever you're using is pushed up against a wall). Make them easier by keeping your legs bent to 90 degrees or make them harder by stretching your legs straight out in front of you. Remember to pull your belly button into your spine and keep your back close to the step or chair. Inhale as you lower your body, exhale as you push your body back up.
Begin in front plank and after 2 seconds, move to right side plank. Hold for 2 seconds and move back to front plank. Hold for 2 seconds and move to left side plank. Hold for 2 seconds and return to front plank. Continue rotating for the allotted time. Modify on your knees, if you need to. Remember to pull your belly button into your spine and keep your back flat.
Exercise 4 - Jump Squats
Be sure that your knees don't go over your toes in your squat. Make it harder by keeping your hands on your waist or over your head. You can reduce the impact by doing regular squats without the jump, but remember to move at a good pace to keep your heart rate up. Inhale as you squat down, exhale as you push back to standing.
Exercise 5 - Wide Pushups
Your arms and legs should be wider than shoulder width apart with your elbows at 90 degrees (like you're in a star position). You can modify on your knees or against the wall. Just remember to pull your belly button towards your spine, keep your back flat and lead with your chest (not your head!). Inhale as you move your body towards the floor, exhale as you push back up.
Exercise 6 - Burpies
Everyone's favourite! Jump up, squat down, extend your legs into plank position, bring your knees back to a squat and then jump up.
Remember to drink lots of water between exercises!
Cool down: Return to your stairs and walk up and down 5 times or do a light jog on the spot for a few minutes. Finish with a full body stretch, a pat on the back and a big smile. You did it!
**If you are a beginner, or just making your way back into fitness again, shorten the time to 30-20-10 and work your way up to the times recommended here. Try to complete this workout two to three times a week over the holidays. Remember to always consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise regime.
Happy Holidays!