It's official! The holiday party season is upon us. Family calendars are filling up with lunch dates, open houses, potlucks and holiday parties to deck the halls and celebrate. The holidays can be a busy and stressful time of year, so here are a few tips to keep you feeling fit and fabulous over the festive season!
Get Moving. Not only will staying active help you burn off those extra calories consumed at parties, it will also help you feel less stressed about the holidays.
Eat. Having a snack before you leave for a party will help you resist the temptation to over indulge. Try fruit, soup or veggies with hummus to curb those hunger pains.
Choose your Course. If you crave something sweet at the end of a meal, then try not to overload your plate with appetizers or your main meal. Save room!
Satisfied. Not stuffed. The only thing at the table that should be stuffed is the turkey! Moderation is the key...
Beware of Holiday Cheer. Alcohol is laden with sugar. When trying to curb additional weight gain over the holidays, pay close attention to those sneaky calories in your drinks. One glass of wine can pack up to 130 calories!
Non-alcoholic Drinks can also Pack a Punch. A specialty coffee can have up to 300 calories. Think twice before loading up on these sweet treats. Or ask to hold the whipped cream.
Refocus. Instead of concentrating on baking holiday treats with the kids, take the opportunity to make crafts, wreaths and holiday decorations. You can also get out the board games to keep you entertained!
Bring it. When you're asked to contribute to a pot-luck dinner, be sure your offering is healthy and tasty.
Portion Control. Choose a smaller plate and resist the urge to pile it up. Take the time to enjoy the flavours of the season. Stop and chew - it will make you feel satisfied and full more quickly.
Relax! Enjoy and have fun! The holidays are about spending time with the people you love!
Happy Holidays from my family to yours!