Thursday, 5 December 2013

A Holiday Workout Just for You!

Just because there are no FITMOM classes over the holidays, doesn't mean that you shouldn't workout! Here's a little holiday workout for you to try. You'll need running shoes, workout clothes (including a supportive bra), a mat, water and a little bit of attitude!

Be sure to begin your workout with a simple Warm up to get your muscles moving and your blood pumping. If you have stairs in your house, start walking up and down and move to running up and down. About 10 sets will get you warm. Once your body feels warmer, you can follow with some dynamic stretching (leg swings, arm circles, shoulder rolls). No stairs? No problem! Turn on the tunes and dance like nobody's watching until you're feeling warm and ready!

We're going to do a 40-30-20. You'll do each exercise for 40 seconds, take a 10 second rest, repeat for 30 seconds, take a 10 second rest and finish with 20 seconds. Take a 30 second to 1 minute break between exercises.

Exercise 1 - Mountain Climbers

In front plank position, bring your right leg up towards your chest and switch legs mid-air. This works your cardio as well as your core, so be sure to move fast enough to get your heart pumping! Pull your belly button toward your spine and keep your hips in proper plank position as much as possible.

Exercise 2 - Tricep Dips

Complete these using your stairs/bench/kitchen chair (or other piece of furniture - just make sure whatever you're using is pushed up against a wall). Make them easier by keeping your legs bent to 90 degrees or make them harder by stretching your legs straight out in front of you. Remember to pull your belly button into your spine and keep your back close to the step or chair. Inhale as you lower your body, exhale as you push your body back up.

Exercise 3 - Rotating Plank

Begin in front plank and after 2 seconds, move to right side plank. Hold for 2 seconds and move back to front plank. Hold for 2 seconds and move to left side plank. Hold for 2 seconds and return to front plank. Continue rotating for the allotted time. Modify on your knees, if you need to. Remember to pull your belly button into your spine and keep your back flat.

Exercise 4 - Jump Squats

Be sure that your knees don't go over your toes in your squat. Make it harder by keeping your hands on your waist or over your head. You can reduce the impact by doing regular squats without the jump, but remember to move at a good pace to keep your heart rate up. Inhale as you squat down, exhale as you push back to standing.

Exercise 5 - Wide Pushups

Your arms and legs should be wider than shoulder width apart with your elbows at 90 degrees (like you're in a star position). You can modify on your knees or against the wall. Just remember to pull your belly button towards your spine, keep your back flat and lead with your chest (not your head!). Inhale as you move your body towards the floor, exhale as you push back up.

Exercise 6 - Burpies

Everyone's favourite! Jump up, squat down, extend your legs into plank position, bring your knees back to a squat and then jump up.

Remember to drink lots of water between exercises!

Cool down: Return to your stairs and walk up and down 5 times or do a light jog on the spot for a few minutes. Finish with a full body stretch, a pat on the back and a big smile. You did it!

**If you are a beginner, or just making your way back into fitness again, shorten the time to 30-20-10 and work your way up to the times recommended here. Try to complete this workout two to three times a week over the holidays. Remember to always consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise regime.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Welcome to the New FITMOM!

A few months ago, FITMOM Canada embarked on a journey to update FITMOM's web presence across the country. I am very excited to share the new home of FITMOM with you today!

Not only has the FITMOM Canada website had a complete overhaul, but we have updated our logo as well! Now, whenever you see this logo, you can be assured that you are experiencing the highest quality pre and post natal fitness programs. These programs are designed to support you during your pregnancy and post partum experience. Under the guidance of our founder, Andrea Page, FITMOM continues to be the leader in prenatal and post natal fitness.

In the next few months, we'll be working to transition from our old logo to our new logo! Keep an eye out...

Fall classes are off to a great start! FITMOM Ottawa will continue to offer our signature FITMOM & Baby classes at three locations in Ottawa, FITMOM 2B at one of our locations and FITWOMAN Bootcamp at two of our locations into the winter. Classes will take a small break over the December holiday period, but will return in full force at the beginning of January.

If you haven't experienced a FITMOM class, please come and join us during our Open House week from October 21-25th. All classes are free, but since space is limited, please register by emailing Susan at:

I hope you are as excited about the new changes we have made! Please take a moment to check out the new FITMOM Canada website!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Beyond the Belly - Fitness for New Moms

I'm not sure why, but this year was been a banner year for pregnancy! Our FITMOM 2B class was full every week with pregnant women since September and they just keep coming. When debating about this seeming surge in pregnant women, my colleague at FITMOM Durham suggested that it might have something to do with the hockey lockout. I have two HUGE hockey fans in my house, who were not all that excited to hear of the hockey strike. But if that's the reason I've met so many awesome pregnant women, then bring it on!

A number of FITMOMs 2B have either recently had their babies or are just about to give birth. While the outcome is a bundle of joy and love like you've never quite experienced, the process to get there can be exhausting. The first few weeks can feel overwhelming - between feeding and changing diapers, there's very little time left over for you. But here are a few exercises you can do during the first few weeks after baby arrives to help you feel a little more like yourself:

1.  Pelvic Floor:

Your pelvic floor muscles will lose elasticity during pregnancy due to pressure from your growing fetus and you will likely need to recondition these muscles regardless of the type of delivery you've had. A quick way to find your pelvic floor muscles is to try and stop the flow of urine when you're sitting on the toilet. You can use this test as a gauge to see if you're using the correct muscles, but don't do this on a regular basis!

Begin by contracting your pelvic floor for a series of 10 x 1 second contractions. Follow with contractions where you hold your pelvic floor contraction for a longer period - begin with holding for about 3 seconds and work your way up to 10 seconds.

To be sure you're doing them correctly, remember:

  • Don't hold your breath
  • Don't tighten your tummy, thighs or buttock muscles
  • Don't squeeze your legs together

Try to complete 10 short and 10 long contractions a few times a day, remembering that pelvic floor muscles fatigue easily. If you need to, complete fewer contractions more often in the day to prevent fatigue.

2.  Shoulder Rotations:

During pregnancy, our shoulders tend to roll forward as our upper back muscles weaken, due to larger breasts and postural changes as a result of a growing belly. Poor posture during breast feeding can aggravate this.

Begin by inhaling and lifting your shoulders towards your ears. Exhale and roll your shoulders back and down, allowing your shoulders to fall as far from the ears as possible and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Release to normal position and repeat.

This exercise will remind you to correct your posture, open your chest and strengthen your upper and middle back at the same time. Try to complete 10 repetitions a few times a day. Once a good latch and breast feeding is established, you can practice this exercise during feeding time, as it's easy to do with your baby snuggled in your arms.

3.  Abdominals:

Pelvic tilts will help release tension in your lower back and rehabilitate your core muscles.

Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Inhale to fill your belly with air. Exhale, pulling your belling button towards your spine and slightly rolling your hips towards your ribs, but not lifting your hips or glutes off the ground. Release and repeat.

Try to complete 10 repetitions a few times a day. Work up to 20 or 25 repetitions as you begin to feel stronger. You can practice pelvic tilts after you finish nursing as you are cuddling with your baby.

For these and other exercises that you can work on in your first six weeks after your baby is born, you can watch this FITMOM video.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Five Years Ago...

As the snow is finally starting to melt, it dawned on me that it's been five years, this month, since I became involved with FITMOM. At the time I never would have guessed how FITMOM would change my life.

When I had my first baby 13 years ago, I met a wonderful circle of friends through the Boomerang Kids Strollercise program. At the time, we only had 6 months for our maternity leave, so when Strollercise was offered 3 days a week, we were there for them. As we went back to work, we had to find ways to keep our friendship strong. Exercise is what brought us together, so that's what we continued. For a long time we ran together one or two evenings a week.  

After a while, the running group dwindled - some of us were pregnant and some were busy. In an effort to keep active, one of the moms would find a program each spring and let us know she was registering and would any of us like to join? One year we did a Running Room clinic. One year we did pilates. One year we did deep water running. And then, one year we did the FITWOMAN Bootcamp.

I remember my very first class. I thought I was in reasonable shape, although spring was coming and I hadn't really done a whole lot of exercise through the winter, except a weekly volleyball game. I was sadly mistaken. The class was really hard, I really struggled my way through it and I was really sore for days afterwards. But, I had paid my money and I was going to see it through. A few weeks after I started, the owner ran a two for one promotion, so I began going twice a week and noticed how much faster I was seeing results. I never really looked out of shape before, but within a few months, I was feeling stronger, more energetic and in shape. My body changed so that my clothes felt more comfortable and I felt good.

My friends and I continued going to the FITWOMAN class for nearly a year, but slowly, schedules changed and some of them dropped off. Originally, I joined the class because I had friends going, and this was a good opportunity to see them. I had added the class to our family calendar, so that if anything else came up, we could arrange for a babysitter. And, I felt the cost of the class was high enough that I didn't want to miss any classes, if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Eventually, these things mattered less and less as the class became established as a part of my weekly routine and as an essential component of my well being.

I kept up with weekly classes for well over two years, taking breaks here and there when kids soccer games got in the way or doubling up on classes in the "off season" between sports. When the owner announced that she was giving the business up, I wondered what I would do to replace my FITWOMAN classes. I looked into other alternatives, but either the commitment was too great or the timing didn't work.  And so, nearly six months after my last FITWOMAN bootcamp class, I bought the business. Now, I get to teach fitness classes to help other prenatal and postnatal women feel the way I felt. I get to share my experiences and give them advice when they ask. I get to see moms form friendships with women they may not have met otherwise, just like I did all those years ago. And I get to hold all of those beautiful babies. Life has changed, and definitely for the better.

Thanks FITMOM.

Monday, 4 March 2013

And the Winner Is...

I'm sure I've left you all in suspense long enough!  I'm ready to give out some Lululemon love:)

Thanks to everyone who participated and helped me Spread Some Love in February!  

Katherine S. (from the FITMOM and Baby Thursday class) is the winner of the Lululemon Giftcard, but all of the participants are winners, since they've all had an extra class added to their session!

I have to admit, when I first advertised this promotion, I was hoping to increase traffic to my FITMOM Ottawa Facebook page so that others would also hear about FITMOM. But, it actually helped me to get to know my clients a little better. Given all of the grumbling I (sometimes) hear in class, I was somewhat surprised to learn your top 5 favourite exercises:

Burpies, lunges and wall sits (mainly from the prenatal population!) were tied for the third favourite exercise. Squats were second. The favourite exercise? Given the population I work with, this shouldn't be a big surprise:  

The surprise? It was the favourite by a long shot!

What I wasn't necessarily expecting was all of the love you shared back! I enjoyed reading the exercises you liked and why:
  • Squats - they burn, but the payoff is great!
  • Lunges - they make me feel strong and challenge my endurance
  • Wall Sit - for 90 seconds, it's just you, your concentration and that wall!
  • Plank/Sprints - it reminds me of my high school basketball practice suicide drills!
  • Windsprints - they get my heart rate up and make me feel strong and powerful!
  • Burpies - they are such a good full body workout
  • Pelvic Tilts - because they come at the end of the class!
  • Lunge Pyramids - they come with a 3 day burn that only means good things!
  • Wall Sit - it definitely prepared me for labour!
  • Plank - anything that targets abs is high on my list
But some of you went the extra mile and also told me why you love FITMOM. It was so wonderful to read these comments and feel like I am making a difference in your lives. So, thank you for your hard work, dedication and positive attitudes. I feel privileged that you choose to spend week after week with me.

Monday, 18 February 2013

A Family Day Workout... Just for you.

Happy Family Day!

Just because there are no classes on Family Day, doesn't mean you shouldn't workout! Here is a short workout you can do alone or share with a friend, your partner or even your kids. You'll need running shoes, workout clothes, an exercise mat and some water.

To make sure your body is properly warmed up, start with your stairs. Walk up and down 5 times, increase your intensity to jogging up and down 5 times and end with running, two steps at a time for the last 5 times. Once your body is feeling warmer, you can follow by a full body stretch and you should be ready to go!

You're going to do each exercise 10 - 15 times, with a 10 second rest between exercises and then repeat the whole circuit 3 - 4 times, with a one minute break between circuits:

Exercise 1:  Jump squats.  Be sure that your knees don't go over your toes in your squat and that your weight is on your heels. Make it harder by keeping your hands on your waist or holding them over your head. You can reduce the impact by doing regular squats without the jump. Inhale as you squat down, exhale as you push back up to standing.

Exercise 2:  Pushups.  You can modify on your knees or against a wall. Make it harder by adding a clap on your way up. Just remember to pull your belly button towards your spine, keep your back flat and lead with your chest (not your head). Inhale as you move your body toward the floor, exhale as you push back up.

Exercise 3:  Dynamic Planks.  In plank position, with legs together and straight, jump your legs out so that your feet are wider than shoulder width apart. Bring them back together. That's one rep.  Make it harder by adding another move and bring your knees to your chest so that you're doing the two moves together. Lower the impact by doing alternating leg extensions while in plank position (a leg extension on both legs is one rep). Just remember to keep your belly button pulled into your spine and try not to let your hips move towards the ceiling as you move them in and out.  

Exercise 4:  Superman Swimmers.  Lying on your front with your arms straight above your head, lift your arms and legs off the ground. Bring both arms down towards your sides so that you are squeezing your shoulder blades together and then reach back overhead. That's one rep. Be sure to keep looking down at the ground so that you don't strain your neck. Make it easier by lifting only your upper body off the floor. Exhale as your squeeze your shoulder blades together, inhale as you reach your arms back over your head.

Exercise 5:  Mountain Climbers.  In front plank position, bring your right leg up towards your chest, switch legs mid air and bring your left leg up towards your chest. That's one rep. This works your cardio as well as your core, so be sure to move fast enough to get your heart pumping. Pull your belly button towards your spine and focus on keeping your hips in proper plank position. Lower the impact by eliminating the jump.

Exercise 6:  Side Plank with Leg Lift (Right).  Resting on your forearm or your hand and toes, lift your top leg up towards the ceiling and back down. Try not to use momentum, but instead use your glutes and outer thigh muscles to lift your leg. Try not to let your legs touch on the way down. You can also modify to side plank on your knee. Be sure to push your hips towards the ceiling, keep your body in a straight line and pull your belly button in towards your spine. Exhale as you lift your leg to the ceiling, inhale as you bring it back down.

Exercise 7:  Burpies.  Jump up, squat down, extend your legs into plank position, bring your knees back to a squat and jump up. That's one rep. Be sure to keep your core strong (don't let your hips drop) when you extend back into plank position. Make it harder by adding a pushup when you're in plank position. Lower the impact by eliminating the jump and instead reach your arms high up to the ceiling.

Exercise 8:  Side Plank with Leg Lift (Left).  Same as Exercise 6, but using the other side.

Remember to stay hydrated during your workout!

Finish with a full body stretch when you're done.

**If you are a beginner, or just making your way back into fitness again, shorten the number or reps or sets and work your way up to the numbers recommended here. Always consult with your Doctor prior to commencing a new exercise regime.

Have a great Family Day!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Happy New Year!  Albeit, a little late.

My holidays began with a lesson in adapting. For years, we had an artificial tree. But a few years ago, we decided to get a real tree and headed to our local tennis club where Habitat for Humanity sells Christmas trees. The trees are usually pretty nice, it's close to home and we often run into other neighbourhood families. But this year, I really wanted to get a tree from a tree farm. The kids are getting older, and soon enough, they won't be at all interested in a tree farm. A hockey game scheduled directly before our trip to the tree farm changed it all. After a hit from behind (in non-contact house league hockey, no less), we took a trip to CHEO instead of the tree farm and came home with this:

A broken arm - both bones and what was referred to by the doctors as a "very bad fracture". And thus began our period of adaptation.

So, a few days later, housebound with a sad and sore boy, I hauled our less than real tree upstairs and began to set it up. In the end, we found ourselves with a very open schedule and had a lovely time decorating the tree, all together.

Fast forward a few weeks. The arm is healing pretty well, the cast has been changed to a smaller, lighter, fibreglass one and we've been given the ok for him to start back with exercise. He can't play anything contact, so instead, he's skating on a big treadmill of synthetic ice. Pretty cool.

Sometimes life throws you a curve and you need to make a change. But you adapt.

Exercise is the same. In order to improve, you need to continually challenge and change what you're doing. If you do the same exercises with the same muscles over and over again, your muscles will adapt and you will reach a point where you're no longer feeling the benefits of your exercise session. So, change it up every few weeks and do something different. If you're out running or biking, try going at a different pace, adding intervals, hills or distance. If you're doing weight bearing exercises, try increasing your weight, reps or sets. Keep fooling your muscles so that they need to keep adapting and you'll continue feeling the benefits.

Who knows? You might just love the changes you make.